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Graduate membership is by invitation only. Prospective candidates may attend public events hosted by Phi Eta Omega Chapter in order to get acquainted with chapter members and learn about the service Phi Eta Omega provides to local communities.  


Phi Eta Omega encourages inactive members of Alpha Kappa Alpha to reactivate with our beloved Sisterhood. We welcome inactive members to attend any of our monthly chapter meetings and events for the opportunity to meet chapter members and learn more about Phi Eta Omega Chapter. 

Please click the reactivation button down below for the Reactivation Form to reactivate with us. 




Phi Eta Omega Chapter welcomes Alpha Kappa Alpha members looking for a new chapter home. If you would like to transfer to Phi Eta Omega from another chapter or general membership, please click the button below to obtain a Transfer Verification Form



Phi Eta Omega Chapter Meetings

Phi Eta Omega Chapter meetings are open ONLY to initiated members of Alpha Kappa Alpha. Chapter meetings are generally held on the third Saturday of the month beginning promptly at 1:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.

First-time visiting members are encouraged to arrive a few minutes early as proof of membership credentials are required and must be verified prior to entering the meeting.

Visiting members are required to have one (1) of the following:

  1. Financial card (valid or expired) and another form of ID (i.e., passport, driver’s license, or state ID)
  2. Certificate of membership
  3. Ivy Leaf Magazine with visiting member’s name as recipient and another form of ID (i.e. driver’s license, state ID or passport)
  4. Proof of membership from Corporate Office
  5. Chapter member who can vouch for the visiting member (knows her as an active/inactive member or when she was initiated)

If you have any questions regarding membership, reactivation, transfer or you wish to obtain chapter meeting details, please contact our Membership Chairman, Kelly Carmichael via our Contact page. 

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Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated is not responsible for the design and content of this web page. This site is the sole property and responsibility of the Phi Eta Omega Scotch Plains, New Jersey graduate chapter, who hosts and maintains this web site. Website maintained by Phi Eta Omega chapter.